So, you would like to contribute written material to SYSBM™. Cool. However, we are a little picky as you may imagine. Upon leaving “da communitah” we’ve seen that standards are a good thing being that they allow for a more functional society. The same principle applies in writing. Adhering to the editorial guidelines will vastly improve your chances for publication on this site.

Our Audience

MBD X and others have acquired a viewership under the SYSBM™ brand that spans the globe. Most of the readership are men who understand the disadvantages of dysfunctional culture and have made decisions to avoid it. However, we do have a variety of female viewers who enjoy exploring the thoughts of men who find “certain” cultural behaviors and mindsets appalling.


SYSBM™ covers a wide range of topics that affect the lives of those who choose the SYSBM lifestyle. Our readers will be furnished with actionable ideas and useful writing that can improve their lives.

Subjects that we cover often include:

  • Personal stories about living abroad (outside the US) and lessons learned from other cultures

  • Reviews of academic studies that relate to SYSBM™

  • Moving beyond communitah tropes

  • Current new events that are of interest to the SYSBM™ lifestyle

  • Humor of various styles (light-hearted, dark, dry, satirical, etc.)

  • Parenting in the SYSBM™ lifestyle (education, parenting tips, multi-racial concerns, culture)

  • Historical highlights that relate to SYSBM™

  • Letters to the SYSBM (selected letters from SYSBM™ readership typically responded to the by current editor)

  • Negative behaviors, reasonings, and attitudes that highlight the need for SYSBM™

Subjects that we do not cover (or cover very infrequently) include:

  • Arguments or conflicts occurring with the Black Manosphere and associated YouTube content creators

  • Mischaracterizations about SYSBM™ [we will have a few major articles about this and will refer to these when negative attacks occur]

  • Political stories that impress upon readers to pick a political party

  • Pornographic material of any type


Copy for articles is expected to be at least 450 words. The maximum length is roughly 3,000 words. Submissions longer than 3,000 words may be considered for a series if the idea is worthy.


Articles submitted must be exclusive to SYSBM, and cannot be published elsewhere online — neither before nor after publication. However, you can post excerpts of up to 150 words on your blog, website, or in your newsletter, with attribution/credit and a link to the full story published on SYSBM.


SYSBM™ reserves the right to edit, change, revise and modify any article submitted for publication. We will share any edits or revisions with authors prior to publication.


We will not publish anything that is self-promotional. Please don’t use your company name anywhere in the article. If you include your company name anywhere other than the author's byline and your article is selected for publication, these references will be removed.

Images & Visuals

The inclusion of visual materials in your article is encouraged, but not mandatory. This includes photos, screenshots, graphs, charts, tables, etc. — anything to help break up large blocks of text. Please send all your images as attachments — the largest files you have. We will handle the cropping, scaling, appropriate file formats for online publishing, etc. If you want to embed your images into your MS Word doc to show placement, that's fine, just please include them as separate attachments as well.

Reasons Why Articles Are Rejected

While we love submissions, we cannot publish every idea we receive, and not every submission is approved for publication. Common reasons submitted stories are not published include:

  • Submissions that aren't specifically relevant to the SYSBM™

  • Submissions that are self-promotional, biased, or self-serving

  • Submissions that have been previously published elsewhere online

  • Submissions that repeat advice offered in articles previously published by on SYSBM™

  • Submissions that offer advice readers would consider obvious or remedial (e.g., don’t go back to da communitah, why BW twerking everywhere is bad, etc.)

  • Submissions that are below the minimum word count

  • Submissions that are "op-ed" replies to posts previously published on the site (i.e., comments in response to an article)

We are seeking voices that are varied and open-minded. Although many of the contributors may be of the SYSBM fold, some may not be. For instance, people from different countries have inquired about sharing questions, insights, and opinions about SYSBM, travel, and their culture.

Ready to submit your article idea? Fill out the form below and our editorial staff will reply to you with specific instructions if your pitch is accepted.